domingo, julio 09, 2006

A $8 en Walgreens

Sí, sólo $8 pero ha venido como anillo al dedo para los últimos antojos de mi hijo. Resulta que mi hijo está comiendo waffles en el desayuno, lo mismo solas o con miel, y tostadas quedan muy bien. Igual el pan como desayuno con una rebanada de queso Toffutti (Mozzarella) y en sus pizzas personales La idea de la tostadora de uso exclusivo para comidas sin gluten es que no se contamine con productos no permitidos

Nota de Talk about cure Autism


Research indicates that we must be extremely strict with the diet. It is important not to contaminate our baking products. Celiac organizations (which also use a gluten-free diet) feel that families should use separate baking pans that have never been used with gluten-containing foods. I believe that it is crucial that you use a separate toaster or toaster oven (that is not used with regular breads) and a separate waffle iron that is not used with regular waffles. We also elected to use separate baking pans. However, other families have not done that and it would be your preference. (Our family also does not cook with regular flour. We purchase any wheat products that we use.) Other common areas where cross contamination can occur is with knives, cutting boards and other commonly used utensils.

En español que tenga cuidados con la tostadora y utensilios para evitar la contaminación.

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